Laura Lives On, Love Pam

Created by pambay 10 years ago
My sister Anthea skyped me tonight to tell me that she got the news of Laura passing. I feel her peace and her joy as I believe in the eternal light. Laura and her mom are able to embrace one another once again but this time both mother and daughter will hold each other tight wrapping their arms around one another, pressing so close they can hardly breath, an embrace they have been waiting to do all their lives. What a wonderful daughter! What a wonderful mother! My name is Pam (Fasano) Bay. I grew up a few streets over from the Roche's home in Deer Park. My mother and Mrs. Roache were best friends and the two women were inseparable. I became good buddys with Laura's brother Michael who often was a handful. I remember him being loud and full of energy. He was my crazy friend.I could not keep up with him. Katie (but I knew her as Kathy) usually was at school when the two mothers would get together. In the 1960's it was not unusual to have a one car household. I remember my mother and Mrs. Roche driving together to the grocery store or just chatting at the kitchen table while Michael and I played in the sand box outside which the neighbors cats used as a litter box. If Laura was home she would stay in the kitchen with the moms. Laura also went to school. Mrs. Roache was very involved with starting the New York Chapter for Cerebral Palsy. One day we went to pick Laura up from her therapy. There was a middle waiting room with wooden benches. There were a few doors with windows. I was still young so I could not really see in unless I stood on my tip toes and stretched my neck. I remember just sitting and hoping Laura would come out so we all could go home but than I heard a loud shrill, a shrill of joy. Everybody in the waiting room got up and some people started to cry. The boy inside the room cladded in metal braces and only wearing his underwear was walking with the help of a walker for the first time. I was maybe 4 years old and was like wow! this boy is so happy. So are all these other people. I had my first lesson of overcoming adversity. I learned to relish in somebodies joy and got really happy for the boy in his underwear too. Laura also wore metal braces on her legs and I think she was able to walk with crutches if my recollection is correct. She was able to walk but if she fell she would not be able to get up. It was strange that I did not think Laura had her disability. I saw her as Michaels sister who had the most beautiful blue eyes (I thought maybe she would make a good Snow White) and when she laughed everybody knew it! She would also get very serious when my younger sister Anthea got to ride with her on her lap in the wheel chair. Laura would tilt her head down slightly and purse her lips. I have to say I was slightly disappointed that I figured I was too big to get a ride too. I am so grateful that my mother and Mrs. Roche were friends and I got to take part in the day of a very intelligent, loving and caring person with special needs. Laura was one of my greatest teachers and I am so sorry I never told her this. When we are young, we are very impressionable and I learned from Laura that we are all different and being different is not bad or frightening. I think I just saw Laura as an older kid who needed a little more help from the moms and who had a crazy brother! I have four children now and I made sure they had a teacher like Laura in their life growing up. Laura's lessons are too valuable and most precious to me. I made sure they learned about life adversity. Laura is truly part of my soul and my children's soul. My family moved to another state when I was 7 years old. Our families kept in touch and I remember my mother getting an invitation to Laura's reception having graduating college. Boy was I impressed. Laura would type letters to my mother using a pointer attached to her head and it took hours. Getting a college degree was certainly an inspiration. I have a learning disability which made me have to work over time in my assignments. I knew not to complain. Complaining is for those with resentment and I have only been blessed. Mr. Roche (in your pictures you look the same!), Katie and Michael I do hope you find peace and comfort. You have been blessed like I have been to have had Laura in our lives. I just feel bad that she never heard those words from me. I do know she knows it now. I will now just imagine Mrs. Roche and Laura trying on skinny bikini's so they get to walk on the beach together and have some fun! The sun is rising.